I Can See the Start of Something...

This week I got kind of excited about this online class/teaching idea.  As I began making the "map" two things came into focus:

The first was that I saw it begin to take shape in my mind.  I got a vision for what this could look like. Until this point, I was basically scratching my head and feeling overwhelmed.  I am still overwhelmed in that I have no idea how to use any of the technology, but I can see it coming to life in my head.  I think this is the major obstacle to overcome.

The second revelation was that I found great peace in seeing how "my" style and pedagogical approach can fit within an online setting.  When reading and viewing examples, I kept trying to "fit" myself into other molds and I was having trouble seeing how that was going to work.  As I brainstormed and sketched out my draft for the map I was able to organize my thoughts in a way that reflected how I think and teach.

I know I have the hard work of learning the tools and hitting the right buttons still ahead of me, but I think the existential anxiety is mostly dissipated.  Now I'm just ready to figure out how to make this thing go.



  1. Jon, I appreciate your honesty. I think many of us felt this way (at least I did). The thought of putting our own practices and thoughts into an online format seems very clunky at first but as we start to iron things out, things begin to click.


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