
Showing posts from July, 2017

Wrapping Up

So we're almost done.  I just uploaded a series of screencasts to a youtube playlist with me narrating a section of lecture over a prezi.  I wouldn't have done that 6 weeks ago! The thing I probably appreciate the most about this week's reading is the challenge to be consistent and consider the "pace" of the learner.  It is important to consider that teaching online is a new "animal" as so many things that happen in a F2F classroom cannot happen on line (and visa versa).  Learning to maximize the strengths and support the weaknesses will be an ongoing process I'm sure. As I consider the course overall, I will definitely implement: Course objectives Overview and course map Learning guides Learning tasks Chunking Trying to keep topics/lessons separate from changing pieces (dates/page numbers etc) And work to create an online "personality" (through video/pictures etc.). I am nervous that his navigational "system" especi

Let's see if this works

Well, I find my self in a predicament this afternoon.  I worked most of the summer on a syllabus for a class I won't be teaching until next year (it's a Fall even ).  As it turns out, it looks like I'll be teaching a different course.  I led a student through it as an independent study so I have a basic outline and idea. Anyway - I am excited to see how well this "method" works as I scramble to map out this course, create some learning objectives, guides, tasks and assessments.  Here I go again! I am beginning to "chunk out" the main ideas for at least the first section so I have a place to begin.  It is much easier (lazy way) to take it chapter by chapter from the book like we did in the independent study.  I am now processing how to not only "teach" the course, but move it to an online presence as well. As a musician (and punk rocker at heart) I have some issues with copyrights.  People are getting rich and they aren't always the mu

Teaching Relationships and Engagement...

Pun intended. I think this week's lesson gets at the crux of what bothers me and so many people about the online learning community.  How does technology work to engage people in relationships and communication? I actually wrestled a lot with my professor in Homiletics about this idea.  If I preach the "unadulterated Word of God in its full counsel" but no one listens because I give no consideration to my presentation, am I a faithful preacher?  How much responsibility is on the hearer and how much is on the speaker?  If I have 20 hours to spend on a sermon, how much time do I devote to my study of content and how much to my presentation and "communication" skills?  (This tensions plays out with the "mega-church-watered-down" preacher reaching thousands vs. the small town "theologically-sound-egg-head" pastor of a dying church who reads his manuscript).  What if the best form of presentation doesn't even look like a pulpit? In many